

Frame Information for Craig Long Lake District and English Landscape oil paintings and pictures and Charlie White Lake District Photographer.

All our images are available framed, in a range of finishes. Due to the nature of mouldings sizes and colours may vary slightly.  We do all our framing ourselves and are happy to help in any way we can. If you want to see the full range of Frames for Craig Long Lake District and English Landscape oil paintings and pictures and Charlie White Lake District Photographer.

Simply select the image of your choice and use the drop-down boxes to see how the print will look in different frames. you can change the options in the drop-down boxes and the image will change to show your selection. Or click on the image for a larger view. All prints are limited editions of 395 and come mounted in a neutral vanilla mount. Framed prints are glazed with acrylic glass and come ready to hang with fixings.

For more information feel free to call us, we are happy to chat. Or message us and we will be happy to help.

To purchase a frame on its own click here

Frame types available are:

#1  Mahogany – a dark cherry mahogany.

#2  Tan – a lovely warm tan colour.

#3  Oak – a light natural looking oak moulding.

#4  Distressed Silver – a silver underlaid with warmer gold striations, silver will look different under different types of light (warm/cool).

#5  White – a great white frame for the lightest look.

# Black – great for contrast in any picture.

UK orders only: All prints are hand numbered and signed by the artist Craig Long.

For more help, call me on 01539 444944

or email me